
a dead squirrel threaded tight in the bamboo / bustling with white worms stench static guitar / should you roll in it, no water on earth / should you… More

Two Poems from Red Doc>

He hadn’t known his / grandmother long or well. / She smelled like Noxzema. / Didn’t like doctors. Believed in herbs and the / Bible. When the apostles /… More

Three Questions with C.D. Wright

Clearly authoritarian states are afraid of even small, solo voices. Less mucked-up states with grandiose images of themselves are afraid of truth-speakers as well. But they can just paper… More

Obsurity & Shelter

a one-story clapboard with stuff / crammed into drawers / waiting for the adults to go out / never enough closets / so he could roll a smoke… More

Qatari Poet’s Sentence Reduced

A three-judge panel of Qatar’s court of appeal unanimously decided today to reduce poet Mohammad Ibn al-Dheeb al-Ajami’s life sentence to 15 years in prison for his poetry, still… More