DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

The Trump administration's plans for the NEA and NEH, Fox News retracts fake news, student's commencement speech at the University of Maryland sparks debate in China, and more. More

Katrina: 10 Years Later

In this second of two blog posts commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Fatima Shaik reflects on the work of PEN's Children's and Young Adult Book Committee in… More

The Federal Flood

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, educator and poet Dr. Mona Lisa Saloy discusses how New Orleans is rebuilding, and shares two poems about the disaster and… More

Climbing Monkey Hill

Everyone made too big a deal of things she would do naturally, Levia thought, like to go to high school. She had a better plan. More

Working Day Statement: New Orleans

A few things we don’t want to do: we don’t want to be redundant, meaning we don’t want to start a service or project that already exists locally. Even… More

Working Day: New Orleans

April 28, 2011 | Old School | New York CityWith Sarah Broom, Richard Campanella, Fatima Shaik, and Billy Sothern; curated by Nathaniel Rich New Orleans has long been a city from… More

CYAB Trip to New Orleans: November 09

Writers are used to doing presentations or writer’s workshops at various schools. Usually it’s a one-to-one experience. Let me tell you, as one of our three-year-old nieces says: more… More

CYAB Committee Visits New Orleans

As part of an ongoing relationship between the PEN Children’s Book Committee and the Martin Luther King School of New Orleans, author and photographer Susan Kuklin and author Elizabeth… More