Colorful swirl effect overlaid on top of framed headshot of Laila Lalami and next to the text "We Will Emerge"

Why Vote?

“The ballot is the only means we have to evaluate the public servants whose salaries we all pay, whether we choose to vote or not.” More

The PEN Ten with Laila Lalami

[W]riters have to write, even under threat. I think often of Tahar Djaout’s words: “If you speak, you die / If you are silent, you die / So speak… More

Inventing the Past: A Conversation

Suddenly, one day, I felt a certain pleasure, and this pleasure was greater than the sorrow of the therapeutic writing that I was doing. Suddenly I recovered my sense… More

An Evening with the Moth

Neil Gaiman, Pico Iyer, Laila Lalami, and Jonathan Ames tell stories during the PEN event "An Evening with the Moth," part of the 2007 PEN World Voices Festival. More