Chen Yu photo

Chen Yu | Status: Imprisoned | China

Bookseller Chen Yu was detained in September 2019 on suspicion of “illegal business activities” related to selling unapproved books in China. More

Gulmira Imin

Gulmira Imin, a poet and Uyghur-language website moderator from China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2010 for “splittism, leaking state secrets, and organizing an… More

historian yury dmitriev

Yury Dmitriev | Status: Imprisoned | Russia

Yury Dmitriev, Russian historian and head of the Karelian branch of the human rights center Memorial, was detained in Petrozavodsk on December 13, 2016, on suspicion of production of… More

Gui Minhai

Gui Minhai | Status: Imprisoned | China

Hong Kong publisher and Swedish national Gui Minhai was disappeared from his vacation home in Pattaya, Thailand on October 17, 2015. He remained in Chinese detention for more than… More

Tran Duc Thach

Tran Duc Thach was arrested on April 23, 2020 and charged with “activities aimed at overthrowing the People’s Government” for his Facebook posts on government corruption and human rights… More

Pablo Rivadulla

Pablo Rivadulla Pablo Hásel

After briefly evading authorities, Spanish rapper Rivadulla was arrested in February 2021 for insulting members of the royal family and “promoting terrorism” in his music and tweets. In March… More

Arnon Nampa

Arnon Nampa

Since August 2020, Arnon Nampa has been arrested and released on bail several times for his speeches at peaceful protests. In February 2021, he was remanded for violating lèse-majesté… More

Le Huu Minh Tuan Le Tuan

Le Huu Minh Tuan Le Tuan

Le Tuan has written critically of government policies and in support of democracy. He was arrested in June 2020 under Article 117, related to propaganda against the state, for… More

Ivan Safranov

Ivan Safronov

Investigative journalist Safronov was arrested in July 2020 for allegedly passing along classified information to Czech intelligence. He was held in pretrial detention for over two years. The charges… More

Qasim Sidiq

Qasim Sidiq was detained by authorities in March 2017, after which he disappeared. Nearly four years later his detention was confirmed. According to a Radio Free Asia source, Sidiq’s… More