Valeria Kostyugova

Valeria Kostyugova

Political analyst and writer Kostyugova is editor of the online community Our Opinion and its annual publication Belarusian Yearbook. In June 2021, she was detained in a home raid… More

Andrzej Poczobut

Andrzej Poczobut

Belarusian-Polish political writer and minority rights activist Poczobut comments on politics in his blog and columns, for Polish newspapers, and has published a book on Lukashenka’s impact. He was… More

Eduard Palchys Jhon Silver

Eduard Palchys Jhon Silver

Writing under the pen name Jhon Silver, Palchys ran a website called 1863x where he published articles criticizing Belarusian and Russian authorities. He was jailed in 2016 for his… More

Ales Bialacki

Ales Bialacki

Bialacki is a writer, literary critic, and head of human rights group Viasna. In July 2021, he was arrested on feigned tax evasion charges targeting his work to monitor… More

Alexander Feduta

Literary intellectual and PEN Belarus member Feduta was arrested in April 2021 in Moscow and quickly extradited to Belarus on “suspicion of committing a crime.” On September 5, 2022,… More

Chen Yu Zhang Xiaomai

Chen owns an online book retailer that sells foreign-published Christian books to readers living in China. In September 2019, he was detained in Linhai city on suspicion of “illegal… More

Go Sherab Gyatso Gosher

Author of the book We Need to Wake Up and several articles on restrictions to Tibetans’ freedom of expression, Gyatso was taken into custody on October 26, 2020 by… More

Katsiaryna Andreyeva

Reporter Andreyeva was detained on November 15, 2020 for “organizing and preparing actions that grossly violate public order,” after reporting on a protest in Minsk. On February 18, 2021,… More

Law Chow Wong

Joshua Wong, Alex Chow, and Nathan Law | Status: Imprisoned | China/Hong Kong

Joshua Wong, Alex Chow, and Nathan Law are three prominent student activists who played a leading role in the 2014 Occupy Central Movement in Hong Kong. More

Galal El Behairy

Galal El-Behairy | Status: Imprisoned | Egypt

Galal El-Behairy is an Egyptian poet, lyricist, and activist who has been in detention in Tora Prison in Cairo since March 2018. More