Gaston Philippe Abe Abe

Gaston Philippe Abe Abe Valsero

Abe Abe, known by his stage name Valsero, was arrested at a demonstration in Yaoundé and spent almost nine months in prison on trumped up charges, including terrorism. He… More

Zhao Baahuu Soliyoot Shulegchin, or Cao Yuan Nu Huo

Zhao was released from detention but remains confined to house arrest as of October 2019 after publishing poems entitled “Dark Night Journey” and “Mongolian Grassland” that criticized China’s treatment… More

O. Sechenbaatar

Sechenbaatar, who comments online about Mongolian culture, was detained after attending a local protest, which his relatives believe was cover for suppressing his writing. In September 2020, he was… More

Matiur Rahman

Matiur Rahman

Rahman faces continued harassment for his journalistic work and ownership of Prothom Alo. He has faced at least 55 defamation charges since 2016, notably one related to his caricature… More

Writers at Risk Database

Khadija Ismayilova

Ismayilova has long been targeted for her investigative reporting on government corruption. She was detained in December 2014 and later convicted of retaliatory charges, including tax evasion. In May… More

Khadija Ismayilova | Status: Conditional Release | Azerbaijan

Khadija Ismayilova is an award-winning freelance reporter who has worked for various Azeri-, Russian-, and English-language news outlets. More

Tashi Wangchuk

Tashi Wangchuk | Status: Conditional Release | China

Tashi Wangchuk, a Tibetan language activist and entrepreneur, was sentenced to five years in prison for “inciting separatism” on May 22, 2018. These charges were a consequence of his… More

Mahmoud Abou Zeid (Shawkan) | Status: Conditional Release | Egypt

Shawkan is a journalist and photographer who often depicts daily cultural life and produces street portraits. He is a contributor to publications such as Time Magazine, Die Zeit, BILD,… More

Shokjang (Druklo) | Status: Conditional Release | China/Tibet Autonomous Region

Shokjang, a Tibetan writer and intellectual, was arrested in March 2015 and sentenced to three years in prison on February 17, 2016 for writing an essay and blogpost. More

Mehdi and Hossein Rajabian | Status: Conditional Release | Iran

Iranian musician Mehdi Rajabian and his brother, writer and filmmaker Hossein Rajabian, are currently serving three-year prison sentences on charges of “insulting Islamic sanctities,” “propaganda against the state,” and… More