Saida El-Alami

In March 2022, human rights activist El-Alami was summoned to authorities and interrogated about her Facebook posts. She faced several charges including “insulting a body regulated by law.” She… More

Ahmed Ali Abdelkader

Abdelkader is a Sudanese media personality and journalist. In April 2021, he was arrested upon arriving at the airport in Saudi Arabia and detained for 20 days. He was… More

Asma Al-Subaie

Al-Subaie is a student and human rights defender who has advocated for the Bedouin minority and for women’s rights. In June 2021, her home was raided and she was… More

Sepideh Rashnu

Rashnu was arrested in June 2022 for defying hijab laws and released in August. In June 2023, she was charged with offenses relating to “propaganda” and “encouraging promiscuity” before… More

Salman Al-Khalidi

Activist Al-Khalidi was sentenced in absentia to 5 years of imprisonment for his tweets while he was studying in Qatar. He was pardoned in January 2023, but sentenced again… More

Taymaz Afsari

Afsari is a poet and composer. He was arrested for “slogan writing” in a violent home raid on June 17, 2023. His electronics were confiscated and he was severely… More

Vafa Ahmadpour

Ahmadpour is a rapper whose work engages with political themes. On February 4, 2024, he turned himself in to the authorities after a year spent in hiding. He had… More

Hiba Abu Taha

Abu Taha is a Jordanian-Palestinian freelance investigative journalist and online commentator. In June 2023, the Amman Criminal Court issued her with a three-month prison sentence for defaming an official… More

Habib Mousavi Bibilani

Bibilani is a poet who also wrote opinions online. He was summoned to the authorities in July 2023 and detained for 2 weeks on charges of “confusing the public… More

Hojat Badaghi

Badaghi is an Iranian poet and online writer. In 2019, a case was opened against him for “propaganda" based on Instagram posts. In October 2023, he was summoned to… More