Javier L. Mora

Mora is a contemporary poet and founding member of Archipiélago, a civic group calling for democracy and civil rights in Cuba. He was arrested on the morning of July… More

Jose Bello

In May 2019, Bello recited his poem “Dear America,” inspired by his first-hand experience in Mesa Verde detention facility, at a local forum. Less than 36 hours later, he… More

Eduardo Galindo Peña

Galindo Peña was detained on April 15, 2020 in a warrantless home raid by the National Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Command and brought to court 96 hours later for writing… More

Carlos Manuel Álvarez

Rising literary figure and journalist Álvarez returned to Cuba in November 2020 to support the San Isidro Movement. Upon returning, he was subject to multiple brief detentions and prolonged… More

Denis Solís González

Solís González is a Cuban songwriter and rapper whose musical work critiques repression by the authorities. Solís was forcibly detained in November 2020 after he posted a video on… More

Jorge Enrique Rodríguez Camejo

A freelance journalist, poet, and cultural promoter, Rodríguez was arrested on June 28, 2020 for “contempt of authority” hours after posting on Facebook about the murder of Hansel Ernesto… More

Paola Ugaz

Paola Ugaz

Ugaz co-authored Mitad monjes, mitad soldados in 2015, an investigative nonfiction work alleging abuse in a Peruvian Catholic organization. In response to her announcing a second book on the… More

Joao Paolo Cuenca

João Paulo Cuenca

In response to a satirical tweet involving President Jair Bolsonaro, writer and filmmaker Cuenca has faced over 140 targeted and costly lawsuits from state officials and religious leaders, demanding… More

Writers at Risk Database

Abraham Jiménez Enoa

Jiménez Enoa is a columnist at the Washington Post’s Post Opinión and a co-founder of online literary magazine El Estornudo. On October 1, 2020, he was threatened and briefly… More

Roberto de Jesús Quiñones Haces

In August 2019, Quiñones Haces was sentenced to one year in prison for his reporting and refusal to pay the fines levied against him for his writing. In March… More