Solitary Confinement

Most Americans don’t know that the Bureau of Prisons has the sole authority to put any prisoner in solitary confinement—or in any prison facility—for any amount of time under… More


Major League Baseball’s drive for profit and control—not its desire to rectify historic wrongs—led it to accept integration. That same lust to maximize revenues and exert dominion over… More


Tallulah, with her signature “dah-ling”s and her notorious peccadilloes and her endlessly caricaturized baritonal gurgle of a voice—a voice that the actor-writer Emlyn Williams said was “steeped as deep… More

When the King Saved God

Abraham Lincoln lay dying in a room full of educated and literate men, in the age of the wireless telegraph, and not far from the offices of several newspapers,… More

In the Presence of Absence

Love, like meaning, is out on the open road, but like poetry, it is difficult. It requires talent, endurance, and skillful formulation, because of its many stations. It is… More

Alibis: Essays on Elsewhere

I did not even know whether the perfume was my reason for being in there or whether it had become an excuse, the mask behind the mask, because if… More

Manifesto: 1920s

The ordinary Negroes hadn't heard of the Negro Renaissance. And if they had, it hadn't raised their wages any. More

On Translating Lutz Seiler

In calling forth his landscape’s life, in full awareness of both his literary and non-literary forebears, Lutz Seiler has re-contextualized and radically personalized German Naturlyrik for the 21st century,… More

A Singular Woman

To describe Dunham as a white woman from Kansas is about as illuminating as describing her son as a politician who likes golf. Intentionally or not, the label obscures… More

Monster Brought to Its Knees

“The golf fan really has my respect,” Ben said. “They go out there and get sunburned or rained on, they push each other around, they stand until their backs… More