Gay Propaganda: Olga & Irina

What country are we living in and in what year, when priests bless half- drunk nationalists that pelt people with rocks while the police look on and then load… More

Gay Propaganda: Sergei

There wasn’t a single gay man among them. There were grown men next to me, who’d come down with delirium tremens, schizophrenia. That’s when I learned that madness is… More

Alexandria Irrealis

The Alexandria that Constantine Cavafy knew no longer exists. Nor does the Alexandria that E. M. Forster got to know during the First World War, nor the Alexandria that… More

The Blood of Love

If memory is all that can be kept of the past, how might it be kept alive? And if there is no life we can see beyond this one,… More

Cavafy Before He Was Cavafy

Why do they insist on remembering us as old men? The profile frowning on the plaque or the statue standing regally in the park almost inevitably depict the vanished… More

Notes on North Korea

Slowly I registered that those weeping over the death of the General in these sculptures were not Koreans but Africans, Indians, South Americans, people of all nations lamenting Kim… More