#NSFW: Poetry and Porn

"This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy against spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content." Is poetry reserved for a better sort of people? More

Writing About Children and War

Since children are the most vulnerable citizens of any society, it seems rather obvious that they are the citizens most likely to be negatively affected by war. Until very… More

A Different Kind of Book Prize

This summer’s crowd came to the park on a sweltering hot day not only to commemorate the Civil Rights milestone that those 1963 protests achieved. Many came also to… More

CYAB Trip to New Orleans: November 09

Writers are used to doing presentations or writer’s workshops at various schools. Usually it’s a one-to-one experience. Let me tell you, as one of our three-year-old nieces says: more… More

CYAB Committee Visits New Orleans

As part of an ongoing relationship between the PEN Children’s Book Committee and the Martin Luther King School of New Orleans, author and photographer Susan Kuklin and author Elizabeth… More