Michel Kilo | Status: Deceased | Syria

Prominent writer and journalist Michel Kilo contributes to the leading Lebanese daily Al-Nahar and the London-based daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi. Initially, Kilo was arrested on May 14, 2006 when he… More

Aref Dalila | Status: Released | Syria

Dr. Aref Dalila, born in 1942, is a writer and former economics professor and Dean of the Faculty of Economics at Damascus University. He was an advocate of political… More

QA: Büşra Ersanli freed trial

From the day that the prosecutor ruled my detention, until now, everything has been upside down. I am speechless and now going back to Silivri [prison] to pack my… More

Poet and Song Writer Killed for A Protest Song

PEN International is appalled by the murder on July 5, 2011, of poet and song writer Ibrahim Qashoush, known as "the singer of the revolution." Qashoush’s body was found… More