On Not Being Bezosed

As an American novelist from the beachside resort of Denver I don’t enjoy the prestige and power of a Malayalam poet from Madras or a Mandarin novelist from Macau. More

The Laura Flanders Show

The Laura Flanders Show, posted weekly on GRITtv, features in-depth interviews with forward-thinking people from the world of politics, business, culture, and social movements. More

Climbing Monkey Hill

Everyone made too big a deal of things she would do naturally, Levia thought, like to go to high school. She had a better plan. More

Bird Whistle

I wanted to go. But Merrill insisted we had already put down roots. She said oaks didn’t transplant well, but they did grow stronger with age. What could I… More

PEN World Voices on Africa: The Future is Now

Celebrate the transformative power of the written word as 100 writers from 30 countries gather in New York at Cooper Union for the 11th Annual PEN World Voices of… More

Arise TV: PEN World Voices Festival

Pen Festival Director László Jakab Orsós and Nigerian Author Adėwálė Àjàdí discusses the writers festival focused on the African works coming to NY. More