Opposite Of Hate Reading List Featured Image

The Opposite of Hate: A Reading List

We are living through one of the most divisive periods in American history, with hate-filled rhetoric fueling disagreements on a wide range of issues — from LGBTQ rights to immigration policy… More

I Explain a Few Things

She was born in a shithole country that was fighting for the sanctity of a wretched block of ice / She said my own country is the most foreign… More

Sana Khan

The M Word Stories: Sana Khan

Being Muslim in America means belonging to a diverse group of people in regard to race, beliefs, careers, and backgrounds. This is a beautiful thing because Muslims contribute to… More

Fazian Kothari

The M Word Stories: Faizan Kothari

The M Word seeks to elevate, amplify, and celebrate the contributions of Muslim Americans to our country’s varied and inspiring cultural landscape. Today, we share Faizan Kothari’s story on being a… More

Judith Butler

Judith Butler on Living with Grief

Judith Butler discusses how expressions of rage and lashing out often reflect inner sorrow at the 2014 PEN World Voices Festival. More