
I was so crazy tired that I said the word ‘slumberland’ under my breath & it took on the charge of invective while it also made a hoop which… More

from sourcings

what echoes across waters : / taotaomo’na— / from ‘taotao’ [‘people’] ginen ‘mo’na’ [‘precede’]— / ‘people of before’ ‘before time ancestors’ ‘ancient people’ ‘people before / recorded time’ etc More

Goat in the Snow

After passing the farm with the goat / it was important to slow down. / Hello goat. Hello officer. So easy to lose track / when going downhill.… More

Notes of a Native Son

I’m the truest sort of resident. The kind who, / asked to offer proof that he resides here, fails. / The guy who comes from someplace else & thrives… More

A Theory of the Novel

a boy’s attention, corralled / in sand, pebbles, and the sun’s / slow clockwork, fails to take in / the wreckage, though / years from now, he’ll describe it… More

After Meng Hao-jan

In winter I drink tea by the window / Stars shine through my reflection / Occasionally I go out and see if I might / Find another remote and… More