
They told Grace they’d found her curled into a nest of leaves, that since dawn they’d been following a strange spoor through the bush, and then, just as they’d… More

PEN Revives $5,000 Essay Award

PEN American Center announced today that the PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for the Art of the Essay, first created in 1991 and on hiatus since 2005, has been revived, with the… More


Chapter OneTravis stood in front of locker #78. The clatter and bang and yammering voices pounded at the back of his head. He started the combination, slowly spinning the… More

Don DeLillo wins PEN/Saul Bellow award

The “combination of terror and comedy and sheer song” in his writing means that “everyone wants to give Don DeLillo an award”, according to Philip Roth and his fellow… More

A Person of Interest

Lee closed the door and crept onto his bed. He hadn’t pressed the button of the lock; he was afraid he might be reprimanded. He heard the thump of… More