Free Expression Digest: Wed., April 6

Myanmar shelves investigation into journalist killing, Israeli intelligence summons female Palestinian journalist, South African reporters attacked by mob. More

Free Expression Digest: Mon., April 4

Canadian journalist ordered to reveal ISIS text messages, Russian journalist found dead in St. Petersburg, China news blackout as 'Ten Years' takes Hong Kong Best Film Award. More

Free Expression Daily Digest: Thurs., Mar 24

Vietnam bloggers jailed for publishing anti-state articles, After 27 years, Nobel Panel condemns Rushdie death threats, Professors’ group says efforts to halt sexual harassment have stifled speech. More

Marcos Hernández Bautista | Status: Murdered | Mexico

Journalist Marcos Hernández Bautista was shot in the head on January 21, 2016, as he climbed into his car at night outside a bar in the Mexican state of… More