Rodney Sieh | Status: Released | Liberia

Rodney Sieh, founder of FrontPageAfrica, is a Liberian journalist with over seventeen years’ experience working in Liberia and abroad. More

Mohammed al-Ajami | Status: Released | Qatar

Born on December 24, 1975, Mohammed al-Ajami, a Qatari citizen, is a poet and a third-year literature student at Cairo University. He is married with two daughters and two… More

Ayşe Berktay | Status: On Trial | Turkey

Ayşe Berktay, a translator, cultural and women's rights activist, is currently on trial in Turkey for "membership in an illegal organization." She faces up to 15 years in prison… More

Normando Hernández González | Status: Released | Cuba

Normando Hernández González is a Cuban writer and independent journalist imprisoned during Cuba's Black Spring on March 18, 2003. He was released in a wave of amnesty on July… More

Enoh Meyomesse | Status: Released | Cameroon

Enoh Meyomesse, 57, is a writer, blogger, historian and political activist who has published more than 15 books of poetry, prose, essays, and works on political and cultural themes… More

Hojjatoleslam Hasan Yousefi Eshkevari | Status: Released | Iran

Eshkevari was released from prison on February 6, 2005. He was freed after serving two-thirds of his seven-year jail term. A condition of his release is that Eshkevari will… More

Mohammed Abbou | Status: Released | Tunisia

Mohammed Abbou, an Internet writer, lawyer, and human rights activist, was arrested on March 1, 2005, for an article published on the Internet nine months earlier that denounced torture… More

Bernardo Arevalo Padron

Bernardo Arévalo Padrón | Status: Released | Cuba

Bernardo Arévalo Padrón was arrested in August 1997 and charged with "insulting and contemptuous behavior" towards then-President Fidel Castro, for which he was sentenced to six years in prison.… More