Search Results for: banned books week

Narges Mohammadi

Narges Mohammadi | Status: Imprisoned | Iran

Narges Mohammadi is an independent journalist and the former vice-president and spokesperson of the Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC), which advocates for human rights reform and represents political… More

a student wears a backpack with a pin that reads "Facts Matter"

5 Myths about Educational Gag Orders

The legislators behind these gag orders are not interested in a productive back-and-forth with educators; what they want is simply to dictate the terms of teachers’ surrender. More

Ragip Zarakolu | Status: Displaced/In Exile | Turkey

Ragip Zarakolu, director and owner of Belge Publishing House and a longtime activist against censorship, is on trial for "aiding and abetting an illegal organization" under Turkey's sweeping anti-terror… More

Conservatives Oppose Educational Gag Orders, Too

Casual observers of the recent wave of educational gag orders could be forgiven for thinking that views on this issue are perfectly polarized along ideological lines. Conservatives support these… More