Search Results for: Translation

Jaime Manrique on Don Quixote

“Fame is a form of incomprehension, perhaps the worst,” wrote Jorge Luis Borges in “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote.” It should not be surprising, then, that the most… More

For the City

For the City (2005). Light projection on Rockefeller Center. Photographed by Attilo Maranzano. For the City (2005). Light projection on the New York Public Library. Photographed by Attilo Maranzano.For the… More

Paul Kane on The Green Sea of Heaven

My designated book—though it’s too annotated and dog-eared to actually swap—is a translation by Elizabeth T. Gray Jr. of The Green Sea of Heaven, fifty ghazals by the Persian… More

Wait, Blink

But: That’s not possible, her lecturer said. How do you expect the audience to see anything at all on a backlit screen? It’ll fade out the film and make… More

Working Day Notes: The Publishing Revolution is Here

Introduction by Joshua FurstWe’ll examine the current state of publishing and the massive changes it’s going through. The panel of publishers and authors will describe their experiences, and try… More