Search Results for: russia

This Week In Free Expression

It seems no one is free from the tightening noose on free expression. This week in free expression news, the U.S. joins China, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka in threats… More

N’existe Pas

The paparazzo placed his denim elbows squarely on the café table’s darkly polished depths. “The truth is, there is no further distinction to be made between ‘surveillance’ and ‘media’.… More

The PEN Ten with Lawrence Venuti

The translator ... bears an enormous responsibility, not just in relation to the source text, but in representing a foreign culture. Translations can create or strengthen stereotypes of foreign… More

Recommended Reading: Poetry in Translation

From Japanese, Greek, Russian, German, and more, these translators have turned a foreign language into an understandable one for lovers of poetry to get in touch with faraway cultures.… More

PEN 2014 World Voices Festival: Pussy Riot

The image of the Russian dissident has changed. After campaigning for the release of the incarcerated members of Pussy Riot for eighteen months, PEN invites Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria… More