Search Results for: russia

The Payback

The chief secured their door with a padlock, put the key in his pocket, and signaled to the peasant driver to get moving. When they reached the bridge, silhouettes… More

Free Expression Digest: Fri., July 1

Myanmar human rights group forced to cancel launch of report, Turkey's history of internet censorship, American journalist in Syria barely survives missile strike More

Three Strikes

I dropped from the skies or from heaven—whatever was closer at the moment—at the doors of the Kremlin library to research, and the clerk, an army major with a… More

Free Expression Digest: Wed., June 29

Russia approves 'big brother' surveillance law, mediator terminates effort to free Japanese journalist from Syria, Turkey blocks news and social media after deadly attack More

Free Expression Digest: Tue., June 28

Egypt expels British-Lebanese TV presenter, Chinese writer made to apologize for challenging historical account, Veteran Guatemalan journalist killed  More