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Free Expression Digest: Fri., June 10

Bangladesh killings: Hindu monastery worker latest victim, dual-citizen Homa Hoodfar arrested in Iran, Guo Feixiong's 40th day of hunger strike More

Free Expression Digest: Wed., June 8

Guatemalan journalist killed, FBI wants access to citizens' web browsing history, Philippine president flip-flops on protecting journalists  More

Free Expression Digest: Tues., June 7

Followers of murdered Pakistani activist will not be silenced, Honduras gay rights activist murdered, more African countries block internet access during elections More

Free Expression Digest: Fri., June 3

Severely tortured Guantánamo detainee Mohamedou Slahi makes case for freedom, journalists assaulted covering food protests in downtown Caracas, and more  More

Free Expression Digest: Thurs., June 2

Chinese minister vents anger when Canadian reporter asks about human rights, Iran's journalists at risk from messaging app, prominent Egypt journalist facing trial More

Free Expression Digest: Wed., June 1

Yemeni reporter killed covering clashes, Philippines president Duterte blames corrupt journalism for media killings, Kiev introduces sanctions against 17 Russian media executives More