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Iran: Two Poets Sentenced and What You Can Do

PEN protests the harsh sentences imposed on the poets and lyricists Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Mehdi Moosavi. Ekhtesari and Moosavi were sentenced to 11.5 and nine years in prison, respectively,… More

The PEN Ten with Adriana E. Ramírez

Adriana Ramírez is the winner of the inaugural PEN/Fusion Emerging Writers Prize for her manuscript "Dead Boys," which takes an unflinching look at the bodies of those who have… More

Cold Moons

Meg Matich, a recipient of a 2015 PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant, translates a collection of sparse, minimalistic ecopoetry by Icelandic poet Magnús Sigurðsson that deals with nature's resilience to… More

Iran: Poets’ Sentencing Signals New Low

Iranian poets Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Mehdi Musavi have been sentenced to 11. 5 and 9 years in prison, respectively, and 99 lashes each in what PEN American Center today… More