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Aphrodite Colleague

Aphrodite ColleagueModern anadyomene of the rest rooms lovelyBotticellian mid a great flushing noisecenters herself in green doorframe arranging blondeneath electricity her braid her waveand with a downy sweater’s sleevetugs… More


FalangeOur arrival is gradual, discreet,but we’re certain, as certainas six and seven make thirteen.The hour doubles itself, heightensas we drive past, ever smugand rounding up silences.We’re severe, as completeas… More

Miltos Sachtouris: The Soldier

The SoldierI have written no poemsin thudsin thudsmy life rolledOne day I trembledthe next day I shudderedin fearin fearmy life passedI have written no poemsI have written no poemsI… More

May Day

May DayPoland in France with the sound of a centaur going into waterTo thou your misfortunein the collective amnesia of dates, of Nocturnesof Shakos, of blackened fragments of icons… More

Paulo Henriques Britto: Lullaby

LullabyNight after night, exhausted,digesting the day, past wordsand this side of sleep, we lie simplified,stripped of past lives and projects,weary of voices and verticals,relieved to be only bodies side… More

On Translation

Translation is of course conspiracy. Whatever else it is or may intend, translation represents a concerted move of the few against the many, the foreign against the domestic, there… More

Romantic Realism

That dinner party is etched in my memory for many reasons: the discussion during soup of the American embargo on Cuba; the recital during entrées by Bill Styron,… More

The Eternal Present

Many months later, besieged by thoughts of an all-too-foreseeable future as an engineer, which I did not want, I went out one winter for a walk in the snow.… More