Hebdo Forum

The weekend of April 24, 2015, six respected PEN members withdrew from the PEN Literary Gala as table hosts in protest of PEN’s decision to award the 2015 PEN/Toni and… More

Regarding Susan Sontag

Publicly, Sontag was the fierce, politically brave “dragon lady” of American letters; but in private, she was as confused and vulnerable as the next person. She was fascinating, complex,… More

Courage in Continuing

PEN members, authors, legal experts, and more honor Charlie Hebdo for their refusal to retreat when confronted with threats of violence. More

Rejecting the Assassin’s Veto

None of us must endorse the contents of Charlie Hebdo's cartoons in order to affirm the principle of free expression for which they stand. More

The Orchid

The nurses exclaimed and laughed, saying they had never seen such a beautiful baby. And I felt she was not wholly mine, that I would not have the right… More

Onslaught on Free Expression Intensifies in Turkey

In the latest onslaught on free expression, the government of Turkey made international headlines this month when it again went head-to-head with internet sites Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Google… More