Fighting Ideological Exclusion in South Africa

South African PEN is protesting the South African government’s failure to issue a visa to the Dalai Lama to attend fellow Nobel Peace Prize recipient Desmond Tutu’s private 80th… More

Fighting Ideological Exclusion in South Africa

South African PEN is protesting the South African government’s failure to issue a visa to the Dalai Lama to attend fellow Nobel Peace Prize recipient Desmond Tutu’s private 80th birthday… More

David Bellos to Speak at McNally Jackson

David Bellos, the eminent translation scholar, brilliant translator of Georges Perec, and runner-up for this year’s PEN Translation Prize will be speaking this Thursday, October 13 at McNally Jackson… More

Walk and Talk

Poet Jon Cotner, co-author with Andy Fitch of Ten Walks/Two Talks (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2010), has a new walking/talking/picture-taking project up over at the BMW Guggenheim Lab Blog. More

PEN Appeal: Tran Duc Thach and Nguyen Van Tinh

October 3, 2011 His Excellency Nguyên Minh Triêt President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hanoi Socialist Republic of Vietnam Minister of Public Security Lt Gen Tran Dai Quang Ministry of Public… More

Selected Poems

what is want what is need / what’s sweat without the breeze / my stepfather would say / in his wide brimmed hat staring / at how… More