Russian PEN: Protesting Anti-Protest Legislation

[caption id="attachment_13392" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Russian protestors clash with riot police in Moscow"][/caption] News this week that Russian authorities had arrested more protestors and that teams of investigators raided the homes… More

The Hunger Angel

I carried all I had, but it wasn’t mine. Everything either came from someone else or wasn’t what it was supposed to be. A gramophone box served as a… More

Jail Play

Act 1, Scene 1Setting: A dingy jail cell side-by-side with another cell already filled with one inmate. DOTTIE PERKINS, a tough-looking, stocky, large-breasted correctional officer drags FRANKIE HART, an inmate,… More

Tom & Gerry

CAST OF CHARACTERSTOM: Drug addict and house painter who runs out of heroin and reluctantly commits his first burglary. He is handsome but grizzled, 27 years old. His hair is… More

The Marvel of the World

SCENE 1FADE IN:Opening credits rollNo direct dialogueMedieval market squareMusic: “Frederick's Theme,” being played on medieval instruments (hautboy, proto-lute, tambor, recorder, etc.) to reflect the setting. The credit sequence is… More