Travellin’ Man

Airports always pour a nice shot. Something about being that close to distance makes bartenders understand suffering. That Thursday he was headed fourteen cities away from anyone he knew… More

from MW: A Field Guide to the Midwest

What my parents were most silent about was what they hated more than anything. They were professionals afterall, and to be professional means keeping one’s mouth shut. When my… More

An Excerpt from Dick

But each place is well and each well a hole encircled by hunters on their hams with spears listening between the broken and whole words into the darkness below… More

Red Storm Days

Twenty-four descriptions of the future: / Champagne after a trip in a carriage, / Discontents without civilization, / A bizarre light will unsteady the air More

The Cripple’s Last Dance

Dance, like any other art, is a form of worship, you see. One false move can break that fragile link between you and your god. I lost my legs. More