
Red sky on bad TV tonight / on furniture, on skin, / I’ll remember this like it was / yesterday somewhere else, / like I was another woman /… More

Ellen West

—Is it bitter? Does her soul / tell her / that she was an idiot ever to think / anything / material wholly could satisfy? More


A lifetime of alcoholism had been responsible for his stroke, so he had only himself to blame. This seemed to be an empowering thought for him, and he repeated… More


I was immortal in my ability to be knocked down / and spread myself out to take the punch again. / In this sense I am still a mother.… More

About as Fast as This Car Will Go

He walked into the living room, looking back at me every so often, lifting objects and replacing them, opening doors, nudging things on the tables, showing me how silently… More

the puzzle box

he didn't have to say much anymore. he could imply. there was the equation, and the proof, and there was a little machine we could build and imagine it… More