Two Poems by Amber Atiya

u daughter of geechee gods / u femme no longer loving / the butch on top of her, u queer / my nickel plated heaven: / boys with breasts… More

The PEN Ten with Elif Batuman

"I think literature has a collective purpose, which is to process the reality of lived experience, in much the same way that dreams process the reality of waking life." More

The Ibex

If she succeeds, if she births a kid that lives, then they will try others. Who knows? The Javan tiger, the Zanzibar leopard, a black rhino or white rhino… More

The PEN Ten with Zoe Pilger

"It seems that total exposure is now a form of concealment, especially in regards to women’s sexuality. We can show everything and nothing at once." More

I, Holstein

A playful one-panel graphic on ruminating by Satoshi Kitamura, a contributor to the latest issue of Monkey Business magazine. More

Hurry Up and Wait

This whimsical collection features illustrations inspired by some of the world’s most celebrated photographers, along with thought-provoking prose that ponders the merits of action and slowing down. More