Free Expression Digest: Fri., Apr 1

Turkish journalists in clashes with bodyguards during Erdoğan's U.S. visit, North Korea announces blocks on social media, and more.  More


Whit Taylor writes movingly and with deeply personal insight about the aftermath of a traumatic sexual assault in this excerpt from her new graphic novella. More

Free Expression Digest: Thurs., March 31

17 book club members convicted in Angola, Canadian judge orders VICE journalist to hand over digital messages, Egyptian author-journalist Ahmed Naji to receive PEN award, and more More

Free Expression Digest: Wed. March 30

Editor says he is resigning over media controls in China, Tribunal releases journalist held 5 days in a prison for war criminals, Germany, EU reject Turkish protest against Erdogan… More

Two Poems by Javier Zamora

Don has always been the wrong word. Not Don: / redacted addresses, .38s, clips in back-pockets. / To see how many he’ll kill, his grandson / throws rocks at… More