The Colfax Crew

There's no sexy way to say it. There's no way to sprinkle magic dust over the truth to make it disappear. No matter how much time passes between then… More

The Summer I Lost My Innocence

She was alive. I could see the covers move over her shoulder just a little bit. The morning light creeping through the sheer curtains at an odd angle across… More

Six-Word Memoirs

“Six-Word Memoirs” are short life stories, a personal twist on the form that, according to literary lore, Hemingway started when challenged in a bar to write a… More

Dodging Dictators

We moved the pieces back and forth on the table, but in the end gave up; it proved impossible to find a configuration that expressed the simultaneous desire to… More

Lessons in Love and Loss

Today is my birthday. Now that I've lived longer than I ever expected, and while I still have my right mind, I thought I'd better write down some things… More