Turkish Flag

TURKEY: Uphold freedom of expression

A year ago, a bloody coup attempt in Turkey left over two hundred people dead and over a thousand others injured. While we recognize the right of the Turkish… More

Liu Xiaobo | China

Liu Xiaobo, a renowned literary critic, writer, political activist, and 2010 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was charged with "inciting subversion of state power," and sentenced to 11-years in prison… More

Liu Xiaobo and Xia Liu

Liu Xiaobo Must be Allowed to Seek Treatment Abroad

NEW YORK--In response to the statement from Western medical experts that it is safe to transport Liu Xiaobo abroad for cancer treatment, PEN America Executive Director Suzanne Nossel released… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Supreme Court agrees to hear appeal from baker who invoked the First Amendment, Trump administration to go ahead with parts of travel ban. And the White House press secretary… More