Kareem Amer | Status: Released | Egypt

Kareem Amer is an Egyptian blogger and former al-Azhyar University student known for his secular views and his critical writings about Islam and Egypt's highest religious authorities. His writings… More

Wide-Reading, Long-Seeing

As the war drums rumble louder, we might want to take a look, as we engage, at some Iranian poets, some of whom write about their country from within… More

Egyptian Blogger Kareem Amer Released from Prison

PEN welcomes the news that 26-year-old blogger and PEN American Center Honorary Member Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman, better known as Kareem Amer, was finally released from prison Monday evening,… More

Internet Writer Kareem Amer Ill-Treated

International PEN is seriously concerned for the well-being of Internet writer Kareem Amer following reports that he has been ill-treated in detention at Borg Alarab prison, where he is… More

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN is marking the 26th Writers in Prison Day 2006 (November 15) with a campaign in defense of nearly 100 writers and… More