Shi Tao | Status: Released | China

Shi Tao is a journalist, poet, and member of the Independent Chinese PEN Center serving a 10-year sentence for “illegally divulging state secrets abroad" after he forwarded a Propaganda… More

Liu Xiaobo in Hong Kong

Liu Xiaobo was in Hong Kong on Saturday. He sat silent in a frame, on an empty chair, as hundreds of people bent down to him, a sign of… More

The Silent Strength of Liu Xia

In March 2010, months after Liu Xiaobo was tried and sentenced to 11 years in prison, PEN’s Director of Freedom to Write and International Programs, Larry Siems, came back… More

PEN Abhors Free Expression Violations in Tibet

PEN American Center today expressed concern regarding the Chinese government’s crackdown on freedom of expression in Tibet after official media reported that authorities cut Internet and mobile phone service… More

Disenchantment in the Cowshed

Ji Xianlin’s 1998 memoir recounts the painful and deeply disenchanting period he spent in the “cowshed,” an improvised prison on the Peking University campus for intellectuals labeled as “class… More