DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Journalists in Houston report from flooding newsrooms, help with rescues, and provide vital information to storm-ravaged regions. President Trump pardons a former Arizona sheriff who repeatedly engaged in racial… More

The Cousins

The novel that propelled Aurora Venturini to literary stardom at the age of 85 tells the story of a dysfunctional lower-middle-class family in Argentina with dark humor and psychological… More

The Library in the Torture Center

Many of the countries represented in this year's FIFA World Cup—including finalist Argentina—have less than impressive track records when it comes to free speech. Martin Ezpeleta visits the Library… More

Grandmother Power!

Paola Gianturco's moving book Grandmother Power profiles grandmother activists in 15 countries on five continents about their human rights work. In this chilling excerpt, we learn how grandmothers in… More