Writers at Risk Database

Loujain Al-Hathloul

Al-Hathloul, a women's rights advocate, was detained in a sweep of arrests in May 2018 and held for 1,000 days in prison, during which time she was reportedly tortured… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ahdaf Soueif

A prominent novelist, Soueif was arrested on March 18, 2020 for protesting for the release of Egyptians left vulnerable to coronavirus in overcrowded prisons and faced charges of “illegal… More

Ahmed Mansoor

Mansoor was sentenced to ten years in prison and heavily fined in 2018 after being found guilty of defamation and "spreading false information online." He has gone on at… More

Tayseer Al-Najjar

On December 13, 2015, Al-Najjar, a Jordanian national, was arrested by authorities for a Facebook post in which he criticized Israel and the UAE. He served nearly four years… More

Mohammed Al-Roken

Mohammed Al-Roken

Al-Roken, a lawyer and human rights advocate who has represented numerous other activists, was tried along with 93 other defendants for anti-state activity and sentenced to ten years in… More

Nasser Bin Ghaith

Nasser bin Ghaith

After tweeting criticism of the governments of Egypt and the UAE, Dr. bin Ghaith was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment in 2017. During his closed-door trial, the judge allegedly… More

Writers at Risk Database

Michel Kilo

In 2006, Kilo was arrested after signing a declaration in support of diplomatic relations between Syria and Lebanon. He was sentenced to three years in prison for spreading false… More

Writers at Risk Database

Mohammed Abbou

In March 2005, writer, lawyer, and human rights activist Abbou was arrested for an article published nine months earlier denouncing torture in Tunisia. He was released in July 2007,… More

Writers at Risk Database

Zouhair Yahyaoui Ettounsi

Founder of TUNeZINE.com Yahyaoui was arrested in a cybercafe on charges of 'false news' and unauthorized use of the internet in June 2000. Having served half his sentence, he… More

Abduhadi Kasheet

Writer and journalist Kasheet was arrested in July 2013 by the Air Force Intelligence Branch of Aleppo. His death was first reported in October 2013, and was later reported… More