Black Settlement Photo: Circa 1867

Twelve ancestor souls have been preserved In sepia tones one hundred forty years deep. Still uncomfortable in their two-year-old freedom. It’s a pseudo-freedom, the kind that pinches Expressions tight… More

Minoru Ozawa: Haiku

A ghost! / Just a knot / on the bathroom wallFrom the black depths / of the toilet bowl / a ghost emergesA woman stands transfixed / before the… More


You would not believe the ache of my lungs the way my head swims in cotton candy twirls. Doll After doll But what is a man to do when every face, when it greets me, when… More

Your Time Has Come

* * *Light from the ferry’s windowmixed along the floor.Alone, we wait to be delivered.* * *Two new sparrows,the tourists don’t knowthey’re new.* * *Too tired to writeand this… More

Ghost in a Red Hat

Ghost in a Red Hat —these cabbages under full sail, these ancient walls smothered in ivy and wisteria with its purple froth: in my middle age and sensible girthI rememberstarving.I… More

Broke on Ice

Broke Bop Boogie These shoes were made for walkin’ Not talkin’ I put so much mileage on these here dogs Their tongues no longer pant in anticipation Of unknown journeys, but lie in exasperation As… More

The Chameleon Couch

The One-Handed ConcertoAfter Paul Wittgensteinlost his right hand in the Great War,he begged his friend Ravelfor a concerto of muted tom-toms& peacock feathers underneath the tempo.Something oceanic, with gusto… More


This lonely hill was always dear to me, and this hedgerow, which cuts off the view of so much of the last horizon. But sitting here and gazing, I can see beyond,… More


Breathe in And out (Having received the transparent, light blue letter) With my breath Cast… More