The Clean House

CHARACTERSLane: A doctor, a woman in her early fifties. She wears white.Matilde: Lane’s cleaning lady, a woman in her late twenties. She wears black. She is Brazilian. She has… More


“Only a part of what is perceived comes through the senses from the object; the remainder always comes from within.”—Matthew Luckiesh, Visual Illusions CAST OF CHARACTERSDarius Wheeler, a dealer… More

Time Cut for Willy

Cast of Characters:William (Willy) Conrad Barns: Eighteen and looks younger. Small boned and effeminate with blonde hair and blue eyes. Pretty boy.Susan (Sam) Allison Macmillan: Petite redhead with a… More

Hiding Franz Fanon

Scene 2(Building Major Lenny Bealy sits behind his desk, hunting and pecking on a dummy terminal. A knock sounds on the door.)Major: Yeah. C’mon in, Shakir.(Enter Shakir, wide-eyed.)Major: Close… More

Horizon’s Edge

CHARACTERSTHE PRESENT:JOHN: The Dungeon Master, wears prisoner whites.OFFICER: The Prison Guard, wears confederate gray uniform.CHARLIE: Dungeons & Dragons Player, wears prisoner whites.JIM: Dungeons & Dragons Player, wears prisoner whites.DAVID: Dungeons &… More


Scene 1The setting is a street corner in a residential neighborhood of the mid-1960s. The corner of a lawn enclosed in a picket fence is down right. A street… More

A Time to Forget

THE SETTING is the living room of an apartment filled, almost cluttered, with a mixture of modern and old-fashioned furniture—vases, lamps, bowls, small tables and cabinets containing all manner… More


(From the first scene: Court Room Day) Gerry Dibble stands before God with one of Jesus’ representatives who is defending him. Satan’s officer is prosecuting him and one ofhis representatives… More


What if Madness is nothing more than a pawn assigned to particularly susceptible individuals by an infinitely corrupt and evil shot-caller? What might one discover if he could see… More