No Pain

“They who go - feel not the pain of parting; it is they who stay behind that suffer.”--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “Michael Angelo”My eyes shot open and I instinctively braced myself for… More

A Whale Hunting Heritage

I am a resident of Barrow, Alaska; a whale hunting community on the northern most tip of Alaska. I was born and raised in Barrow with an unyielding urge… More

My Banned Books

Back in the 1970's I wrote a couple of what used to be known as “middle age” novels that were banned in Texas and in West Virginia. They were… More

The Technological Revolution

The 20th century will be remembered in the annals of history as the “Technological Revolution”. Industrial-Capitalism which seen in it’s birth in the 19th century in England, and spread… More

A Better Way

“A NATION THAT CANNOT APPLY NEW REMEDIES MUST EXPECT NEW EVILS” - Sir Francis BaconCan prisons be abolished? Not yet. There are still offenders in our prison system that… More

Lend Us Your Ears Tax-Payers

Beloved Readers:Peering about this functionally effective concentration camp of Humanity, at the gigantic evils perpetrated against us/you as a people, A tax-paying people, by the designers of Penal Habitations… More

Public Demons

Public Demons: Chronicle of a Raid “Without justice, what would States really bebut giant bands of thieves?”—St. Augustine, City of God“For my friends, whatever they want. For my enemies, the… More

Remembering Frank McCourt

PEN deeply mourns the loss of Frank McCourt—teacher, Pulitzer Prize–winning storyteller, and PEN Member. Mr. McCourt contributed to PEN most generously. He was a frequent literary host at both… More