Dance Card

My mother’s name is written on the second page of the book: María Victoria Ávalos Flores. A somewhat hasty examination of the handwriting leads me to the improbable conclusion… More


I met Tony when I was nineteen. I was wild-eyed and wide open, looking for love and finding nothing but one night stands in the back seats of random… More

An Odd Bird

Amal didn’t see when they took her mother away. She closed herself in her mother’s bedroom and smelled the lilac on her mother’s pillow until the sounds of the… More

The Metamorphosis: A New Translation

But Gregor had this foresight. The general manager would have to be detained, reasoned with, convinced and finally won over; after all, Gregor’s future and that of his family… More

Surveillance: An Innocent Fiction?

Science fiction has long explored the possibility and implications of government omniscience resulting from ever-expanding state surveillance powers. But it's not just Orwell and Kafka—writers throughout history and across… More

Gun Dealers’ Daughter

In the chapel, Baroque music played from invisible speakers, and the haunting tones of a sourceless cantata convinced me momentarily of the presence of God. He was there in… More

The Intake Office

So much time is wasted when they won’t do the simplest things they’re asked. The newly dead, Bea thought, are just pathetic. More

The Island of Second Sight

People ate differently here, talked differently, scolded differently. I would have to adapt. I realized this within the hour during which I was the wideeyed observer of this nation’s… More

A Naked Singularity

It means everything because sentencing like Physics and other sciences builds on what came before so that the worse your past was, the worse your present will be, and… More