Lamentations of a Coconut Tree

This short story from the 2014 Neustadt Prize-winner was published after years of civil war following independence from Portugal in 1975 and is a chronicle of Mozambique's rebirth. Becker… More

Gesell Dome

In this excerpt from Argentine novelist's Dashiell Hammett prize-wining book, a bleak seaside resort tensely awaiting the arrival of the next tourist season is viewed through a Faulknerian lens.… More


He had promised her that she could sleep after she had vomited up the pills. And now the woman lay, almost unconscious, in his arms. He was not sure… More


"Athai, some boys called us Snickers. I don't mind. Snickers taste good, no?" More


A lifetime of alcoholism had been responsible for his stroke, so he had only himself to blame. This seemed to be an empowering thought for him, and he repeated… More

About as Fast as This Car Will Go

He walked into the living room, looking back at me every so often, lifting objects and replacing them, opening doors, nudging things on the tables, showing me how silently… More

The King of Little Things

After marching for days, King Normous and his armies at last neared the land of the King of Little Things. This would not be a fair fight. And that’s… More