Heavy Hearts

Scene 1 SETTING: The lobby of the Administrative Building of Texas’ Death Row. A leather couch sits in the middle of the lobby. In front of the couch is… More

King’s Highway

FADE IN: INT. 10 - NORTH OF VANCOUVER, WASH. - PRE-DAWNAERIAL SHOT - TRACKING 18-wheeler owned by David Calarence “DC” Hawkins and Dabney "Doobie” DuBoise SFX KEITH WHITLEY “MARINA… More

Second Chances

INT. LAVON FAMILY LIVING ROOM -- NIGHTSAMMIE, a fleshy 10-year-old child wearing Incredible Hulk Pajamas, rises from the love seat with cordless phone in hand. Absent-mindedly turning the lamp… More

Buried Child

I haven’t got anything under the sofa! Now mind your own damn business! Jesus God, you come into the house outa the middle of nowhere, haven’t heard or seen… More

States of Shock

CHARACTERSColonelStubbsGlory BeeWhite ManWhite WomanStubbs: MY THING HANGS LIKE DEAD MEAT!!! (Pause. White couple turns and stares at Stubbs. The Colonel ignores them. He’s busy taking several toy soldiers, tanks,… More

Beauty of the Father

CHARACTERSMarina, a young woman of twenty-fiveEmiliano, a man in his mid-forties, early fiftiesPaquita, a woman in her late forties, early fiftiesKarim, a young man of twenty-fiveFederico García Lorca, the… More

Being Saïd

On a stage in New York, a Director, an Actor, and an Actress are struggling to finish a play written by Saïd Sayrafiezadeh.Director: (Addressing the audience.) Ladies and gentlemen,… More

A Little Explosion

Adnan: How do you see yourself in five years? Intisar: On a bicycle. Adnan: Be serious. Intisar: I am very serious! Okay. In five years? (Smiling, indulging her dreams a little) Working… More


What Metamorphosis is about: How unique we are. We have been created in God’s image. Created to be able to recreate and procreate. But what does this really mean?What if… More

Survival Lessons

CHARACTERS Old Man . . . . . . . . . . . Old School Jared Thomas . . . . . . . . Youngster Narcotics Agents .… More