And I Was Small

Clarence Rice # 63456Box CWaupun, Wisconsin 53963AND I WAS SMALLNeon sign blinking: GOLDBAR. GOLDBAR. On/off. On/off. On/off. I stood watching. Thinking. Almost hypnotized. Off/on Off/on Off/on GOLDBAR GOLDBAR GOLDBAR. … More

Soliloquy In A Cell

Nothing seems to be anything but a total miscarriage lost in the stigma of pronouncing due process. ‘Branded’ Sank’s scars depress a prisoner of society.“A good man can be… More

Of A Time Removed

Elliott C. RicehillBox 316Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 It is said that the Qahadi Comanches called thefirst Anglos they knew, los godammies, after thefirst English words they learned. In those times,Comanche… More

Say You’re One of Them

That night, our home began to feel like an oven. We couldn’t sleep, even though we took off all our clothes.Once we locked up, a massive heat swallowed the… More


12: OBSTRUCTIONDelineations & definitions: 1. Obstruction being to obstruct to get in the way like I tried to be an obstruction so that the little fat girl wouldn’t be… More

No Light Escapes

1“You’re thinking of stabbing a guy because you think he may be plotting to stab you,” Goodman said with a slightly mocking incredulity. “What if you’re wrong?”“What if I’m not?”… More

Shepherds of the Passaic

It is as though one, looking out from a dark cave in a side of an impending mountain, sees the world passing and speaks to it; speaks courteously and… More

A Shameful Killing

Charlie checked the Jiffy Mart from the phone booth. Old Leonard would be closing soon. He tried to imagine the look on the old man’s face when he saw… More

In a Nut’s Cell

The old man sat up on one of the upper bunks in his cell, gazing out through the barred window, deep in thought while taking in the awesome scenery… More