Sithu Aung Myint

Columnist Sithu Aung Myint is among the writers and cultural figures who have been targeted after the February 2021 coup. He was arrested in August 2021 and held at… More

Than Myint Aung

Than Myint Aung is a novelist, short story writer, and philanthropist known for her writing on societal issues and literary speeches. In the early hours of the 2021 coup,… More

​​Aung Naing Myint Min Di Par

Novelist Aung Naing Myint, arrested in the past in connection to his writing, was detained on October 15, 2021 for allegedly being linked to the People's Defense Forces, the… More

Aye Ko

Aye Ko, a poet and state officer, was arrested on March 11, 2021 after posting letters and poems on Facebook concerning the coup. He was tried and sentenced in… More

Daw Khin Than Wai Wa Thone Dray

Poet Daw Khin Than Wai, also known as Wa Thone Dray, was arrested and detained on March 27, 2021 while taking part in a protest led by poets on… More

Khin Thet Htar Latt Nora

Poet and multimedia artist Khin Thet Htar Latt, also known as Nora, was arrested and detained on March 27, 2021 while taking part in a protest led by poets… More

Lwin Aung Nayi

Poet and legal practitioner Lwin Aung, also known as Nayi, was arrested on March 12, 2021 in Myeik, shortly before he was supposed to represent Maung Yu Pyi in… More

Maung Thar Cho

Writer and history professor Maung Thar Cho was blindfolded and taken by the military in the early hours of the February 2021 coup, alongside other notable cultural figures. He… More

Maung Yu Py

Maung Yu Py is a poet from Myeik well-known for his wry style of writing. In March 2021, he was arrested by the military amid jailings of multiple writers… More