Tu Tu Tha

Tu Tu Tha is a novelist and journalist who was arrested on April 24, 2021 in a home raid by over 10 military soldiers. She was charged with “incitement”… More

Myint Myint Zin Daw Kyi Lin Aye

Poet and teacher Myint Myint Zin was killed on March 3, 2021 along with another poet, when police opened fire into the crowd at a demonstration in Monywa against… More

Myo Tazar Maung Tayzar

Poet, translator, and teacher Myo Tazar Maung was arrested on September 20, 2021, after he posted on Facebook expressing criticism regarding the military government. He was charged with… More

Nanda Tin Htut Han Lin

Poet Nanda Tin Htut, also known as Han Lin, was arrested and detained on March 27, 2021 while taking part in a protest led by poets on Pansodan Road… More

Paing Thit Nwe Thit San Oo

Poet Paing Thit Nwe, also known as Thit San Oo, was arrested and detained on March 27, 2021 while taking part in a protest led by poets on Pansodan… More

Saw Phoe Khwar

Reggae singer and public figure Saw Phoe Khwar was detained on February 1, 2021 on the first day of the military coup. He was sentenced to two years in… More

Shwe Kyal Moe Ye Wint Aung

Poet Shwe Kyal Moe was arrested and detained on March 27, 2021 while taking part in a protest led by poets on Pansodan Road in downtown Yangon. During these… More

Sithu Aung Myint

Columnist Sithu Aung Myint is among the writers and cultural figures who have been targeted after the February 2021 coup. He was arrested in August 2021 and held at… More

Than Myint Aung

Than Myint Aung is a novelist, short story writer, and philanthropist known for her writing on societal issues and literary speeches. In the early hours of the 2021 coup,… More

Than Tint

Poet Than Tint was arrested and detained on March 27, 2021 while taking part in a protest led by poets on Pansodan Road in downtown Yangon. During these protests,… More