Mohamed Mostafa Moussa

Moussa, a columnist for multiple outlets who has criticized President el-Sisi in his work, was arrested at his home in Alexandria and taken to an undisclosed location on November… More

Ahmed Douma

A poet, activist, and blogger, Douma was first arrested in 2013 due to his prominent role in the 2011 Egyptian revolution. He wrote his poetry collection Your Voice is… More

Ashraf Hamdi

Ashraf Hamdi

A political commentator and cartoonist, Ashraf Hamdi was arrested on January 25, 2021 after reposting a cartoon for the 10-year anniversary of the 2011 uprising which led to the… More

Abdel Nasser Salama

Abdel Naser Salama, a columnist and political commentator, was arrested in July 2021 for a Facebook post in which he called for President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi to resign. While held… More

Ahmed Abdo Muhammad Maher

Maher is an Egyptian author, lawyer, and thinker charged with “contempt for Islam” for his book criticizing religious extremism. Charged in October 2021, less than a month later he… More

Gamal Al-Gamal

A freelance columnist and well-known critic of President El-Sisi’s policies, Al-Gamal left Egypt in 2017. On February 22, 2021, upon returning from exile in Türkiye, he was detained and… More

Galal El Behairy

Galal El-Behairy | Status: Imprisoned | Egypt

Galal El-Behairy is an Egyptian poet, lyricist, and activist who has been in detention in Tora Prison in Cairo since March 2018. More