Invisible Cities, Visible Cities

For many novelists, describing the city where a story takes place is as fundamental as providing a well-developed protagonist. This panel looks at how the city both limits and… More

The Invisible Symposium

Modeled on a 1947 project of the Hungarian art movement called the European School, the Invisible Symposium asks sixteen public intellectuals across the globe some of the most burning… More

Money and Translation

Is there anything we can do, as writers and translators, to break the causal chain of financial influence in the U.S. reception and publication of foreign literature? More

South Africa in Two Acts

Working with PEN chapters in South Africa, this panel focuses discussion on literature and accountability in the new South Africa. Does the literary community reflect the country’s demographics? Can… More

Beauty and Truth

Long before I became a writer, I knew one day I would tell the story of my family during the Khmer Rouge regime. Even in the midst of that… More

Obsession: Naomi Wolf on Truth

Feminist author and provocateur Naomi Wolf, whose most recent book, Vagina: A New Biography, rocked the 2012 bestseller lists, turns her attention toward the topic of truth. Joined onstage… More

Speaking in Languages on the Edge

Speaking in Languages on the Edge showcases performances and readings of Welsh, Mexican indigenous languages, and Native American languages, among others. A rare chance to take in the beautiful… More

Children’s Literature: Braving Our Endangered World

Writers for children and young adults show how people interact with nature, and reveal the world as a fascinating and ever-changing place with troubles all its own—rising temperatures, shrinking… More