– If all those people must be flooded, is it not fair that they be warned?

– The calamity itself is the warning.

– Then your god is acting rashly.

– What He does is well-considered; He has given it deep thought.

– How should I imagine this Unnameable god of yours? Like an eternally raging hurricane? Who can possibly stay angry for the length of time this plan is taking?

– He is disappointed, rather than angry.

– If disappointment drives him, he must make clear what he expects. His directives should be unambiguous, there should be no doubt about what his wishes are. Only then can he justify punishment.

– Many things are so obvious they do not need rules.

– Those with that sort of understanding are rare. Many live in ignorance. And what is learnt now will soon be forgotten again. What makes you confident your god will not do the same thing all over again in 500 years, to your children and your children’s children? That he will not destroy your cities again, and will not butcher your descendants?

– The Unnameable does not bear malice. He has only become tired of humankind. I have long discussions with him, and I assure you, He does not act rashly. His spirit will not quarrel with us for eternity. After this, there will be clear rules.

– I do not ask for rules. I ask for judgment, the understanding that makes it possible to deviate from the rules if the need arises.

– That understanding too will come. With the passing of time. And with mankind’s maturing.

– Is this then the time of beginning, the time of mistakes and trials? To me it sounds more like the endtime. It seems to me that soon everything will be finished.

– Let us say that a new time is coming.

– A new time for whom? For a handful of candidates? Is the Unnameable destroying us for your benefit? So that you will be able to live in a better world? That is reprehensible.

– It is the crime that is reprehensible, not the punishment.